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Keith Funk

Will any verbascums rebloom if you cut off the dead flower stalks?

Q:  Will any verbascums rebloom if you cut off the dead flower stalks?

A:  Yes.  The smaller growing varieties of perennial verbascums will continue blooming if the old flower stalks are cut back.  The tall biennial types will not.  Keep in mind that keeping any of these plants deadheaded will prevent the formation of seed, eliminating any possibility of new plants emerging as self sown seedlings.

Keith Funk is handling our Q & A this year. You may have visited one of Keith’s Denver area gardens on a tour or know him from his years at Echter’s and now at Nick’s Garden Center. For 30 years he’s been heard every Saturday morning from 7-9 with fellow Wise Guy, Jim Borland, on the Garden Wise Radio Show on Legends 810AM.




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