Winter Watering in Colorado

Q: I planted quite a few perennials, some shrubs and a tree this year. Should I water them during the winter and how often?
A. Our Colorado winters are notoriously dry so any landscape plants that have been in the ground for less than 3 years will certainly benefit from winter watering November through March. If your plants were put in this year and especially this fall, a thorough watering every 2-3 weeks would be very helpful. Be sure to mulch around the plant(s) to conserve water.
For plants planted over a year ago, once a month November through March is sufficient. Be sure the ground is not frozen before you water. Use a screw driver pushed into the soil to check. If it’s frozen, don’t water. And remember, snow almost never counts.
Read our Q & As with Keith Funk answering common Colorado gardening questions here. You can also hear him on the Garden Wise Radio Show on Legends 810AM.